
Friday, 8 April 2011


Can I have 3 more months please? 
I've spent a large proportion of this week trying to persuade boyfriend to take my place in the marathon, so far he is not budging, I've tried reasoning, I've tried bribery, I've even tried blackmail. Eventually I turned to violence. Even with my incredible ninja skills, he still refused to give in and is now in hospital. I however, am now single. 
Being the kind, generous person I am, I graciously offered my precious marathon place to various friends and family. All refused. I tried to give it to my mum for her birthday present, she laughed as if it were some kind of joke! 
What is wrong with people! I'm giving you the gift of running, ACCEPT IT!

Well there is one week to go. A week. One bloody week! Why didn't I go running all those times I was too tired, or cold, or hot, or bored, or catching up on episodes of Grey's Anatomy, why! I still haven't run more than 14 miles! And that was weeks ago!

Last weekend, instead of going on a 16 mile run, I went for a half an hour swim and then to the cinema (SuckerPunch). On Sunday, boyfriend made me go running with him. He lives in the hilliest place on earth! In less than 2 miles, I had managed to throw a hissy fit about the number of hills and refused to go on. So Monday, rather than attempt to run together again, we went to a theme park instead.
With the marathon dawning closer I realised I really did need to get a big run in, with a week off work and too many distractions in London town, I packed the car and went to my mums. Now mother just happens to live on a lake. Perfect for running around...or so I thought. 
Trainers on, headphones in, off I went for a 16 mile run. 

At 23 degrees, it was the hottest day of the year and much to my surprise, there were a million midges around! I must have swallowed whole colonies of flies. It was horrific. Plus I was so hot, I've never sweated so much in my life. I felt like I was running in a desert.

As there was no one around I thought I would cool my self down by chucking some water over my head. I've seen professional runners do this, it's the thing to do you know! In the words of Julia Roberts, 'Big mistake, big, huge actually!'. I've now learnt that midges like water. I had an entire country of midges stuck to my face! 
I made it 4 miles and then gave up. 
Fear not though, I'm aiming to get at least another 11 miles in before the end of this weekend, a short run mid next week and then I'm hoping to twist my ankle and won't be able to take part in the marathon for next weekend, oh no, wait, sorry, that's not the attitude, I mean I hope all goes well for the big run. 

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