
Saturday 26 March 2011


BREAKING NEWS!! Sunshine has been spotted in Britain! This unusual phenomena has lasted for 3 whole days and is still going strong. The standard uniform of grey skies have been cleared to reveal a striking blue. Unable to cope with this burst of colour, some people have been forced to keep their sunglasses on at all times, even when on the underground trains. Others are exposing their arms and actually venturing away from their desks at lunch time! There have even been sightings of people smiling. Yes smiling! In London! ‘It’s unheard of’ said one local who wishes to remain anonymous. Scientists from the local pub in Clapham inform me that this is not as uncommon a phenomena as first believed, ‘it actually happened on three separate dates last year’, in fact they go on to say that there have been reports consistently tracking the appearance of this ‘shine’ for decades, whilst we can not report on the validity of this claim, we can assure you that sales of BBQ’s and cider will no doubt run low this weekend.
If you read the last blast, you will know I did a 14 mile run last week. I ran right into central London and along the Thames. It was a lovely sunny day and I was feeling pretty great. I had images of running along the Southbank, just like how you see in films. To be the kind of people who covers 10 miles before work and then turn up fresh and bright for work, ready to win an amazing, company saving deal to the joy of the managing director, whilst the rest of us, flog in, ten minutes late, stinking of last nights booze and wishing 5.30 pm would hurry up. 
I, it seems usually fall into the latter group. But you never know, there’s still time, perhaps there is a chance I could become that person. 
During the run, I was desperate to get to the river so I could begin to live this dream, but the blasted river just wouldn’t get any closer. By the time I reached it, I was dripping in sweat, beginning to get sunburnt and down to the last drizzle of my water. But it was ok, because I was finally at the river.
The river was a nightmare! Why did all the tourists decided to rock up, the one day I want to do a long run? It was like a military course in dodging, dipping, the occasional dive and dunking. My peaceful run had turned into a battle. I had to contend with Victorian living statues, a giant lizard on a bicycle, a bunch of free runners, BMX bandits, Charlie Chaplin, some pastel paintings, a million cameras, lots of very fat people, ice cream trucks, random queues that seemed to never end and a knight in shining armour – literally.
On the bright side I did get to pass the Shakespeare Globe theatre, the Tate modern, the London eye, the national theatre, the houses of parliament and Big Ben. I would have enjoyed this more had I not been gasping for water the entire way. I couldn’t help but stare enviously at the tourists, knocking back their water without a care in the world. You know how in cartoons, when a character is starving, they start to picture people around them as food? Well all I could see was giant bottles of water every where! I even contemplated jumping in the Thames for a drink!
There was only one thing to do! I ran straight into the nearest pub and begged the bar tender to refill my water. Unfortunately I just had to choose a very posh pub didn’t I?! Every one stopped and stared at the sweaty girl! I got out of there as quick as I could!

After more advice from the running co-worker this week, I finally went to a sports shop to get some energy gels. There is so much science involved in this running lark, you wouldn't believe it! After 10 minutes in the shop I came out with a pre-running carbohydrate drink, isotonic gels, carbohydrate gels, caffeine gels, a post running recovery protein mix and some sort of mixing bottle! I’m almost excited to go running again!

Apparently some of these gels might make me sick…we’ll see how tomorrow goes then, watch out tourists!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the next exciting installment - keep running...